Message from the Director
As we draw to the end of 2023, I am delighted to share the remarkable progress of the ALN
Academy as we worked towards “Uniting for Progress: Strengthening Africa’s Future.”
We at the ALN Academy are driven by a profound commitment to promoting the rule of law in
Africa. We believe that a strong and just legal framework is the cornerstone of sustainable
development, social justice, and economic growth on the continent. Our mission is to educate,
inspire, and engage individuals and organizations in advancing the rule of law, and in so doing foster a brighter future for Africa. Our collaboration with General Electric on ESG, Energy, and the Green Economy shed light on sustainable energy development in Africa. Intra-African Trade was also highlighted, and we explored trade advancements facilitated by the AfCFTA Agreement, the EAC trading bloc, and strategic partnerships. We took time on Women’s Day to emphasize the need for us all to Embrace Gender Equity and its role in bridging the digital divide. Under Peace and Democracy, we interviewed Hon. Justice Martha Koome, Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya, and explored the challenges facing the judiciary and its role in promoting social transformation through access to justice.
As we look ahead, we have collaborated with our partners on exciting projects we will be sharing soon. In December, we will host a Sustainability Conference that promises to bring together thought leaders, innovators, and change-makers to chart a path toward a more sustainable and prosperous Africa. Moreover, in 2024, we have plans for bigger and better conversations, delving deeper into critical issues, and featuring inspiring voices that are shaping the future of our continent.
I extend my gratitude to our devoted team, esteemed partners, and readers for your unwavering support. Your commitment to Africa’s progress is commendable.
I wish you continued inspiration and success as we bring 2023 to a close.

What we’ve been up to
Our initiative, The ALN Academy Talks, was launched in March 2021 with the goal of promoting and enhancing the rule of law and governance in Africa. By featuring one-on-one interviews with key public policy experts, academic actors, and ALN lawyers from across the continent, we aim to educate society through constructive conversations. The ALN Academy Talks is available in both video and podcast formats.
Our Events
The ALN Academy hosted over 130 lawstudents in Nairobi for a Live Talk onBusiness and Human Rights with NdangaKamau, Vice President of the ICCInternational Court of Arbitration. Theinterview explored the intersection ofbusiness, human rights, and the rule of law inan African context, UN Guiding Principles onBusiness and Human Rights, human rightsobligations for businesses, and the HagueRules on Business and Human RightsArbitration.
We held two-day targeted trainingactivities for EAC legislators andenvironmental authorities in East Africaworking on the issue of plastics . Amongthe key topics addressed was the proposedlegislation that would place limitations onnon-essential single-use plastic objectsand materials. This workshop was incollaboration with The FlipFlopi Project,The ICCF Group, The SMEP Programme,and UNCTAD.